A New-Age Metal Fever is Coming Down with ‘Pay God’ by The Broken Ravens

 24 September 2024

Hailing from the Western Isles of Scotland, the five-piece band The Broken Ravens is making the world go crazy over their newly released track ‘Pay God’.

The fans of the heavy metal and rock genre have been lucky all over the world when they saw the rise of legendary figures and bands like Alice in Chains, Metallica, Mastodon, and Black Sabbath. But the good times have not ended yet, rather it is taking a ravaging turn while holding hands with the five-piece heavy metal band The Broken Ravens as they take their next step in conquering the rock and heavy metal world with their newly released track called ‘Pay God’. This track is a wonderful example of the love this band holds for the gritty, anthemic, and unadulterated heavy metal genre. 

The mesmerizing and roaring guitar riffs along with the melodic and controlled screams and growls of ‘Pay God’ bring out the very essence of heavy metal and the reaction of the fans after hearing the track clearly proves that the vibes of heavy metal in the wind as much as it is in their veins. Other than this, ‘Black Atlas’, ‘Old Cast Crow’, ‘Lights Out In Vienna’ and ‘Black Knuckle Ride’ are some of the most listened to tracks of The Broken Ravens. Fans can listen to all of the tracks on Spotify and if they are lucky, they will get to hear this prolific band on 24th November when an upcoming show is scheduled in Glasgow-Audio. To get more information and updates about the band, they can visit their Facebook and Instagram profiles. 

The Broken Ravens's 'Pay God' is now on Spotify: 


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