Lakeside Geo strikes a Chord with his Followers with the Latest Rap Song 'Free Da Gang'

 16 December 2020

Not forgetting about the hard past, the new Daytona Beach rapper residing in Miami, Lakeside Geo pulls the panic chord to thrive with the hip hop song ‘Free Da Gang’.

Lakeside Geo

Forget about the pink and purple childish stories with the tunes of lullaby because the new rap star Lakeside Geo with as bold as brass attitude, flexing his dynamic rap skills in the new track Free Da Gang. His anger fuels his spirit to write songs and spark his capability to express his haunted memories. Climbing one after another music charts, he becomes the most lovable hip hop artist in December. His deluxe style of interesting storytelling bleeds the scarred history of family trauma due to the late divorce of his parents. The young rapper has picked up the pieces of his broken heart lay them in his music. The new single is all about his supreme confidence and crazy lifestyle, revolting against the dogmatic society. The worse is over for the new artist as he has found the perfect escape from the selfish events through his creative flow of music.

Hailing from Daytona Beach, the post-millennial rapper Lakeside Geo grew up in a nice neighborhood and a loving family that had always supported his dreams. His songs are full of multi-layered emotions and his kaleidoscopic outlook makes his music interesting. ‘Free Da Gang’ is a strong punch of cinematic sound design and a deeply contemplative concept, keeping it real as much as possible. He delivers a unique soundscape crafted with a heavy bassline and cheeky wordplay. Get the new song right away on Spotify and follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for his latest news.

To enjoy the song ‘Free Da Gang’, check out the given below link :

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