The Creative Lines of Freestyle and Hip-Hop in Artist Jaja’s ‘About MY Business By Jaja’ Defines Contemporary Standards

 30 March 2020

Upcoming hip-hop artist Jaja is giving the whole spectrum of the genre creative and musical goals with his extensive soundscape in ‘About MY Business by Jaja’.


Cultural and social lines of wisdom have always found substantial significance in hip-hop’s collective scope of outspokenness. Upcoming artist Jaja is breaking the barrier of pretentious glam and bringing to the table an extensive spread of humility, lyrical openness, modesty, and above all, optimism and motivation. His soundscape is a thematic device housing different song modules each telling the story of his life and experiences and how he shaped his destiny from scratch. ‘About MY Business by Jaja’ is exemplary in terms of the artist's vocal fortitude as rhythmic cycles define their exterior. An artist, producer, and songwriter, his soundscape harbors the elements of modern-day quality hip-hop that creates an expressive entity for his audience. He is currently tied to the label UNKNOWN PRODUCTION that helped him achieve his creative and philosophical accomplishments through a validated platform.

Jaja or Jaja Matthew’s central foundational theme is motivation for all those who blame their fate as a hindrance in their story of emergence. The artist himself comes from the street, something he considers a boon that has helped him find music along the way. His other songs like ‘D-UP’, like ‘Lifestyle’, ‘Doubted ME’, and ‘DO Your Owen Thing’ all have the innate intensity of raw feelings that gets conveyed very easily through his honest songs. Apart from ‘About MY Business by Jaja’ he is already working on his upcoming single, ‘HOMIE TRUST ME’ that will further enlighten the world with creative captivation. Be a part of this cultural celebration by following him on Spotify, Instagram, and Reverbnation.

Jaja's 'About MY Business'  track hit on Spotify:

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