Tips For Getting on Spotify's Release Radar

 21 August 2024

Getting on the Release Radar of Spotify has become a driver for the streamers out there and artists are going head-to-head to claim a spot in this playlist.

There are many major music streaming platforms available on the internet on the internet for musicians, record labels, and listeners to explore, but the shiniest of all might be Spotify as it has become the most prominent music streaming platform these days. More than sixty thousand songs are being added to the platform each day and with over six million users of the platform, it has become a dream of every music artist to get their name on this platform. To encourage the artists to make music, the platform has introduced some features like the Release Radar which is a playlist of new releases. According to the UK Director of Artists, Bryan Johnson, the higher the number of followers, the higher the chances of getting a spot in the Release Radar. So, it is clear that the only way into the playlist is to gain more followers and fortunately, there are some easy ways to do that. 

Tips For Getting on Spotify’s Release Radar

Considering Followers’ Taste

It is a good thing to not copy someone and create your own music but it is careless to completely neglect what other artists your followers are listening to. Creating something that feels familiar yet with a unique touch can garner more followers on the platform and can get you the chance to claim a spot on the platform’s different playlists like Discover Weekly and Release Radar. The trick is to make your followers feel like they have known your music even though they have not heard it anywhere and make them fall in love with it. 

Interacting with Audience

One of the most basic rules of gaining followers on any platform is to interact with the audience to create a sense of familiarity and a strong bond. Audiences are always welcoming to their favorite artists and one comment from them or a like or reaction from them can bring immense joy to the audience and can turn them into followers. So, to keep in touch with your audience is a great way to gain them as followers. 

Promoting on Different Social Media Profiles

Another good way of feeling the spillover effect is by promoting the tracks on different social media profiles that are under the artist’s name. Concentrating on just one platform will never bring the kind of result, that all the social media platforms combined can give. Adding links of the tracks on every other platform will garner an audience from the other platforms which will eventually lead to an increase in the number of followers on the music streaming platforms.

Collaborating with Other Artists

Imagine how many followers you will have if other artist’s followers start following you. Probably more than you expect. This can be done in a very friendly way by collaboration. Featuring other celebrities or getting featured by other celebrities can lead to a huge amount of following on the music streaming platform as the group of fans of both of the artists come together to enjoy the art and show their love and support.

Promotional Services

By far the easiest way of gaining followers and not taking any headache for the promotion of your tracks is to give the responsibility to the promotional companies out there. There are many reliable and promising music promotion companies in the market that are run by experts in this field. With years of experience, these digital marketers and strategists have under their belt, they can deliver great results within a very short period of time in exchange for very pocket-friendly fees. The stress and overwhelming sensation of what to do and how to do can all be taken care of by these professionals, and the artist can sit back, relax, and concentrate solely on making art. 

Frequently Releasing More Music

Quantity matters a lot in case you want to stand a chance at getting into the platform’s playlist. The more music you release the higher the chances of you reaching the users’ Discover Weekly or Release Radar playlist. But that does not mean quality should be kept in the back seat. The quality should be good as the longer the average listen time on the track is, the more likely, the algorithm of the platform is going to recommend the tracks to other users.

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