To Create a Buzz in the Post-Punk Genre, Frantic Mistake Is Here

 21 August 2024

Just like a phoenix rising from its ashes, Frantic Mistake is rising to claim the spotlight in the legendary post-punk genre with its smashing hit tracks.

Music is the universal language; it can be a language of love, hate, revenge, isolation, and anything in between. The two-piece band Frantic Mistake has taken this universal language and made it into a weapon that calls upon the desolation the world is facing right now but with a twist of their own. Hailing from British Columbia, this band has been gaining a lot of recognition already for their capability to reflect on the isolation the world is left to live with. Their tracks like ‘The Void’, ‘Over The Fence’, ‘The Truth’ and ‘Invisible Man’ have become the bearer of this saddening yet real truth. But the tracks are touched with their spin of beautiful melody. With a bass and a drum set, this dynamic duo is backed up by the immensely wide range of musicality which is intricately knitted into all of their tracks.

Inspired by legendary post-punk bands like Joy Division, The Sister of Mercy, Bauhaus, The Wire, Pink turns Blue, and more recent bands like Lebanon Hanover, Boy Harsher, and Moon Vampire this band has taken into their hand the responsibility of putting the post-punk genre back into the craze of mainstream music. Tracks like Over The Fence’, ‘The Truth’, ‘The Void’ and ‘Invisible Man’ by Frantic Mistake portray a clear influence of the iconic post-punk legends. The haunting melody with a touch of Dark wave is enticing to the ears and fans from all over the world have begun to show the love and support they have for this band. To hear all of their tracks, fans are welcome to stream it on Spotify, and to get new updates they are advised to visit the band’s profiles on YouTube, Instagram, and Apple Music.

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